Each applicant shall remain posted from the time of application until the time of admission or expiration of the application.
The following is a list of pending applicants for admission by UBE Score Transfer to the Maine Bar under Maine Bar Admission Rule 11B. Any person having adverse information bearing on the character and fitness of any person listed below is requested to immediately communicate that information to Melissa Hansen, Executive Director, Maine Board of Bar Examiners, 135 Maine Street, Ste A, Box 305, Brunswick, ME 040110, (207) 623-2464 or by e-mail to execdir@mainebarexaminers.org.
Bassler, Megan Albany, NY | McGunagle, Madalyn Keene, NH | |
Minerowicz, Andrew Dover, NH | Markham, Eli Falmouth, ME | Goldman, Lillie Keene, NH |
Honsinger, Lindsay Boston, MA | Alexakos, William Hingham, MA | |
Doherty, Brendan Boston, MA | Walsh IV, Patrick Whitinsville, MA | Wheat, Olivia Manchester, NH |
Johnson, Alexis Dover, NH | Castor, John Boston, MA | Pollock, Benjamin Birmingham, AL |
Lee, Clint Bedford, TX | Robinson, Laura A. Watertown, MA | Mills, Tyler Newburyport, MA |
Shahla, Elnaz Costa Mesa, CA | Brandhandler, Jonah Westbrook, ME | Dolan, Tyler Boston, MA |
Mondo, Sarah Boston, MA |